Monday, January 18, 2010

Jim Rohn: How to Make a Living AND a Fortune

In last week's blog, I reflected briefly on the passing of Jim Rohn on 5 Dec 2009. Since then, I have dusted off my copy and re-read his "Seven Strategies..." In our early days in business... sounds prehistoric but it was only in the late 80's; we used to play snippets of his seminar from a very old and well worn VHS video. I have resurrected one of his seminars for your enjoyment and will post it as soon as I secure an MP3 hosting site.

In the meantime, follow the link below (or just google Jim Rohn). Here he is at his peak - a master communicator with a timeless message. If his words and these concepts ignite a spark in you; if you are now at a stage of life where you have sufficient experience and are searching for opportunity with substance; then we need to talk. Give me a call...or email and we can arrange for you to meet informally with one of our regional leaders.

As Robert Kiyosaki explains in 'Rich Dad Poor Dad: "The wealthy don't work for money but for the accumulation of income-producing assets." Any exit-strategy from the rat race requires the development of assets, in this case 'business' which has, at its core, the possibility of making the owner 'redundant'. We have that and the world's finest business training and mentoring program... because you need both. This is why our business team around the world includes everyone from academics to business owners, sports men and women, professionals and students.

A parting thought: Is it possible to attain great material wealth and be unhappy and unfulfilled? Answer: Of course! As Jim explains..."if you should win a million dollars; best that you become a millionaire [in your heart and mind] quickly or you are likely to lose the million dollars". In other words, it's not what you get but what you become in the pursuit of what you want that matters most!

Enjoy Jim Rohn. In the clip below he talks about working harder on ourselves than we do in our jobs. If you're reading this then it's likely that you are one of these people. Congratulations!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

In 2009, I lost two wonderful friends and mentors. The first was Charlie "Tremendous" Jones - author, speaker, encourager and role model for millions over his long and productive life. Met him a couple of times...always an uplifting experience. His mantra: "You'll be the same person in 5 years time [as you are today] except for two things - the people you meet and the books you read!"

How else could we say that? Environment and knowledge? Role models - both good and bad and 'perspective'? So much of the world of personal development and 'success coaching' can be summed up in this simple approach. Of course it doesn't matter whether our desire for success runs to athletics, career or parenting. To 'have' more; we must 'become' more. Which brings me to my second friend, whom I never personally met, but his loss is felt like the loss of part of my own soul: Jim Rohn.

Jim said it beautifully in his amazing book, Strategies for Wealth and Happiness: "In a few years we shall surely arrive; the question is ...where? You MUST read his book...Anthony Robbins and many other notable success luminaries credit Jim as their first mentor. His second strategy (the first was on goals...setting our sails to take advantage of whatever wind blows our way) was about becoming a student of life..."Seeking Knowledge". He says that "a good idea will seldom interrupt us". Isn't that the truth! We must search out our knowledge. Through books, tapes(sic) CDs, and wise counsel.

I count it a singular blessing in my own life to have been the recipient of good examples and wise counsel (mostly) in my earlier years and the opportunity to draw strength, wisdom and counsel from some extraordinary people through my adult years. At the end of the day, is there anything more rewarding than having actively sought out or qualified for the counsel of someone we respect and then have the opportunity to apply that counsel to produce something of realize 'changed circumstances' not by luck but by deciding to rise above our current conditions and with God's grace, become more than we were by embracing change and a little disciple in our lives?
Let us squeeze everything we can from life's opportunities...everyday.

Friday, January 1, 2010

We're all smarter than we think...but

Where to start? This seems like a good place so try this. You CAN read it and the faster you try to read; the easier it is:

"I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to a rsecherear at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer inwaht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit plcae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lleter by istlef but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh? Yaeh and I awlyas thoguht slpelnig was ipmorantt!"

So, we're smarter than we think but let's put this into some "New Year's" context. Thanks to Bob Yap in Malaysia for sending me this very poignant quotation:

"It is how you act not what you think that will determine your success;
It is how you think not what you do that will determine your happiness"

As always, it is our preparedness to act upon those well-laid plans and New Year resolutions that makes the difference. A dream is step 1...but it is still only one step. Then comes a plan, a timeline and (here's one that most people miss) a system of accountability - preferably to a person that you respect, admire and who has already done what you hope to achieve!

Later, after the dust has settled and regardless of our results, we are left to ponder our success or otherwise; and it is in that pondering that we are often most challenged. I leant this from Nancy Dornan: It IS possible (and biblically sound) to be grateful for what we have and still want to have and be and do more.

If 2009 wasn't everything that we hoped for, then let's take all those accumulated experiences and wisdom and invest that in the achievement of our goals in 2010. Grateful for what we have but not content to rest on our laurels.

"Dream like a child; plan like an adult; work like there's no tomorrow"
Have a great 2010,

Michael Abrahams